Eighteenth-century Ireland : Iris an dá chultúr / ed. by Alan Harrison, Ian Campbell Ross ... [et al.].

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Bibliographic Details
Other Associated Names: Ross, Ian Campbell, Carpenter, Andrew, Harrison, Alan, Bartlett, Thomas, Barry, Kevin, Carey, Daniel (Professor), Kelly, James, 1959-, Brown, Michael, Magennis, Eoin, Ó hIfearnáin, Tadhg, Ní Mhunghaile, Lesa, McKee, Jane, Powell, Martyn J., 1972-, Walsh, Patrick A., Ó Liatháin, Pádraig
Published: Dublin : Eighteenth-century Ireland Society, 1986-1990, 1992-2008, 2010-2024.
Item Description:Vol. 1 (1986) - Vol. 39 (2024)
Two copies of volume 2.
Missing Vol. 6 (1991) and Vol. 24 (2009)
Physical Description:Vol. 1-5, 7-23, 25-37 ; 8vo.
Place of Publication :