A Trve and large discovrse of the voyage of the whole fleete of ships set forth the 20. of Aprill 1601. by the Gouernours and Assistants of the East Indian marchants in London, to the East Indies. Wherein is set downe the order and manner of their trafficke, the discription of the Countries, the naure of the people and their language, with the names of all the men dead in the Voyage.

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Bibliographic Details
Alternative Title:A True and large discourse of the voyage of the whole fleete of ships set forth the 20. of Aprill 1601. by the Governours and Assistants of the East Indian marchants in London, to the East Indies. Wherein is set downe the order and manner of their trafficke, the discription of the Countries, the naure of the people and their language, with the names of all the men dead in the Voyage.
Other Associated Names: Dyson, Humphrey, -1633 (Former owner)
Published: At London : Imprinted for Thomas Thorpe, and are to be solde by William Aspley, 1603.
Collection:Later additions
Content Notes and Catalogue Entries:
  • Entry in cat. under: Travels.