An Account of Monsieur de la Salle's last expedition and discoveries in North America : presented to the French King / published by the Chevalier Tonti, made English from the Paris original. The Adventures of the Sieur de Montauban ... on the Coast of Guinea, in the year 1695.

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Bibliographic Details
Other Associated Names: Montauban, Monsieur de, Tonti, Henri de
Published: London : Printed for J. Tonson at the Judge's Head, and S. Buckly at the Dolphin in Fleet-street, and R. Knaplock, at the Angel and Gown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1698.
Physical Description:8vo
Published References:Wing M. 2486B.
Wing T. 1890.
Wing A. 210A.
Place of Publication :