In Ctesiphontem oratio / Aeschines ; [ed. by Joseph Stock].

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Aeschines
Other Associated Names: Stock, Joseph, 1740-1813 D.D., Bishop of Killala, 1798-1810, of Waterford and Lismore, 1810-13
Language:Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Published: [Dublin] : [s.n.], [1818].
Collection:Later additions
Item Description:Previous shelfmark on front pastedown.
Missing title page.
Some number of doodles at front.
Extensive annotations in pencil especially at front.
Extensive inscriptions on last page and back pastedown including a number of arithmetic calculations
Physical Description:2 pts. : 8vo
Provenance Note:Greek inscription on A3r.
Several inscriptions in ink and pencil at front including '[8] Shillings ... Book' on A2r and 'What a great [ass] Oliver Plunkett TCD Nov[embe]r 1828 ... 1833' and [scribbled out autograph] with address followed by '1828' on Greek title page.
'Oliver Plunkett TCD' on B1r.
Place of Publication :