Meteorologicorum libri III / Aristotle ; Francisco Vatablo interprete.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Aristotle. 384-322 B.C
Other Associated Names: Vatablus, Franciscus,‏ -1547‏
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Published: Parisiis : apud Thomam Richardum, sub Bibliis aureis, ex aduerso Collegij Remensis, 1550.
Item Description:A few markings on front and back pastedowns (mostly pen trials). 3 lines crossed out Latin annotation in ink on the verso of the last endleaf (written upside down).
No annotations in the text.
Physical Description:ill. 4to
Bound With:Bound with three other texts by Aristotle (De Generatione et corruptione, De caelo and De anima), by the same printer in 1548.
Binding Note:Limp vellum binding. 4 holes for ties on each cover.
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