Legenda aurea
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Alternative Title: | Incipit registru[m] siue directoriu[m] p[er] q[uod] facillime quisq[ue] rep[er]ire p[otes]t vita[m] cuiusq[ue] sancti in hoc libro [con]tenta[m]. Incipit registru[m] sive directoriu[m] p[er] q[uod] facillime quisq[ue] rep[er]ire p[otes]t vita[m] cuiusq[ue] sancti in hoc libro [con]tenta[m]. Prefatio sup[er] lege[n]das sanctoru[m] p[er] anni circuitu[m] venientiu[m]. quas co[m]pilavit frater Iacob[us] de voragine ordinis predicato[rum] quonda[m] ep[i]s[copus] ianue[n]sis: incipit feliciter. Incipit legenda sanctoru[m] aureaque ationoi[n]e dic[] hystoria longobardica. Et p[ri]mo de aduentu d[omi]ni. Incipit legenda sanctoru[m] aureaque ationoi[n]e dic[] hystoria longobardica. Et p[ri]mo de adventu d[omi]ni. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Add: Antonius Liber: Epigramma in laudem urbis Coloniae. |
Main Author: | |
Other Associated Names: | , |
Language: | Latin |
Published: |
Coloniae :
[Ulrich Zel],
Subjects: | |
Collection: | Stillingfleet |
Item Description: | ISTC ij00108000 Printer information taken from ISTC. 'Tabula alphabetica de nomib[us] sanctoru[m].' Rubricated initials, decorations, paragraph marks and initial strokes. a1r decorated. Papermark of coat of arms with fleur-de-lis is evident. Colophon: 'Expliciu[n]t hystorie ... a laboriose ex div[er]sis libris in vnu[m] collecte. Rota q[ui] o[mn]nes historie ... addite merito dicu[ntur] noue: quia ... q[uae]da[m] de istis etia[m] rep[er]iu[n]t[ur] apud plures: no[n] ... ita eme[n]datea prolongate sic[ut] in hoc libro ... istud in lege[n]dis ... Frederici ep[iscop]i Quirini Ga[n]gulphi di Riliani Affre Iuliane Stephani pape Alexandri. a multo[rum] alio[rum]. MCCCCLXXXiii. Anthonij liberi ... in launde[r] inclite Colonoru[m] vrbis Epygra[m]ma foeliciter incipit'. Inscription on recto of first leaf: 'Deus Deus meus ad te de luce vigilo' (opening words in Latin of Psalm 62[63]) followed by 'And I were a maiden' (the beginning of a sixteenth-century English song lyric about a young girl seduced at court). Also inscribed on recto of first leaf: 'Clement vyllers ys the [onaer] of thys boke' with a cancelled and illegible manuscript text above. Pape has been scribbled out. Readership marks and underlining. No annotations. Inscriptions in English on verso of final leaf regarding '[th]e [convade] betwyx thomas folet' after which follows a list of goods and money. Marsh's library stamp on front flyleaf along with modern writing in pencil detailing imprint information and 'MS. English on verso of last leaf'. Marsh's library stamp also on newer paper on top left-hand corner of recto, and on verso, of first leaf and recto of final leaf. |
Physical Description: | fol. |
Binding Note: | Fillets around perimeter of boards with two fillets parallel to spine. Rebacked. Five bands and six compartments with wide double fillet lines above and below bands. Modern endleaves. |
Place of Publication : |