Pamphlets : 21 pieces

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Collection:Later additions
Content Notes and Catalogue Entries:
  • The Autocrat of the breakfast-table by Oliver Wendell Holmes; Social problems, Henry George 1884; The Land question: how it is, and how only it can be settled an appeal to nations; shewing the evils of private property in land and the need for the nationalisation of the land, Henry George [1881]; State socialism and the nationalisation of the land by Henry Fawcett 1883; Free trade and English commerce, Augustus Mongredien, [date of publication not identified]; Reciprocity A letter addressed to Mr. Thomas Bayley Potter, M.P., as chairman of the committee of the Cobden club, Sir Louis Mallet, [date of publication not identified]; The Church of Rome, the protestant bodies and the church of England: three sermons preached in the church of S. Mary-Le-Tower, Ipswich J.R. Turnock, vicar, [date of publication not identified]; The Mendicant orders, their rise and fall being a lecture delivered to the St. Ann's Young Men's Association, Richard Chenevix Trench 1874; Moderate drinking Opinions of Sir Henry Thompson, F.R.C.S. (& others) 1887; The Action of alcohol upon health, Andrew Clark no date; The History and mystery of a glass of ale, J.W. Kirton sa A Letter addressed to His Grace the Duke of Norfolk, on occasion of Mr. Gladstone's recent expostulation, John Henry Newman 1875; The Vatican decrees, in their bearing on civil allegiance a political expostulation, W.E. Gladstone 1874; Discourses in defence and confirmation of the faith ... read in St. Paul's Church, Wellington, by the Rev. R.J. Thorpe on ... Oct. 7th, 14th & 21st, 1883, William Connor Magee 1883; The Christian religion Robert Green Ingersoll [date of publication not identified]; 1641: reply to the falsification of history by James Anthony Froude, entitled The English in Ireland, John Mitchel [date of publication not identified]; The Abolition of the law being the fifth of the Essays on some of the difficulties in the writings of the Apostle Paul and in other parts of the new testament, Richard Whately 1863; The Illustrated Sydney news, 1885; Summary account of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts 1883; Newfoundland, Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 1882; St. Helena and Tristan d'Acunha, St. Helena and Tristan d'Acunha 1883.