Florence Macarthy : an Irish tale / by Lady Morgan.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Morgan, Lady 1783-1859
Published: London : Printed for Henry Colburn, Public Library, Conduit Street, Hanover Square, 1818.
Collection:Later additions
Item Description:Volume 1: '[...] 4 vols' written in pencil on verso of page 331. No annotations.
Volume 2: No annotations.
Volume 3: Several numbers and words written in faded pencil on front endleaf. 'Florence Macarthy an Irish tale by Lady Morgan [...]' written on front pastedown. No annotations.
Volume 4: Small number of annotations.
Physical Description:4 volumes ; 12mo
Published References:See Donations book 1962.
Bound With:Volume 4: Several printed clippings pasted in on front and back pastedown and endleafs.
Provenance Note:Volume 1: 'Purchased £ 1-1-0 [Greevich] - June 1962 Presented by Dr. R.B. McDowell, 1962' written in pencil on front pastedown.
Volume 4: 'Margret [Reilly]' written on title page. 'To Miss [Mary] Mc Carthy, [...city] from Willie 1876 2[4], December A D my [...] friend [...] That Happy may your life-time be. Willie' written on back pastedown.
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