King James his apologia for the oath of allegiance and supremacy; against the two breves of Pope Paulus Quintus and the late letter of Cardinal Bellarmine to G. Blackwell the arch-priest.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: James I, King of England, 1566-1625
Other Associated Names: Marsh, Onesiphorus 1668 (Former owner)
Published: London : printed for Henry Eversden at the grey-hound in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1660.
Item Description:No annotations.
Number within a lozenge - '39' on back pasteboard.
Physical Description:12mo
Published References:Wing J. 126.
Provenance Note:'Onesiph. Marsh', '6:m. 1668', and '... 1s' on front endleaf.
Marsh's Greek motto on title page.
Place of Publication :