Content Notes and Catalogue Entries:
  • Entry in cat. under Sweden.
  • Contents: Causes and manner of deposing a Popish king in Sweden truly described.
  • Contents: A memorial from the English Protestants to the Prince and Princess of Orange / by Sir John Wildman and others, p.1.
  • Contents: A Defense of the proceedings of the late Parliament in England, anno 1689 / by Sir John Wilder and others, p. 209.
  • Contents: Essay on a registry for titles of lands / by John Asgill.
  • Contents: The Case of Allegiance in our present circumstamces consider'd / by Samuel Masters, p.318.
  • Contents: History of the war of Holland, written originally in the Italian, and printed at Paris, anno 1682 / by le comte de Maiole.
  • Contents: Extract from Politica sacra et civila, with heading Some short considerations, etc. / by George Lawson, p.175.
  • Contents: Letter in vindications of the proceedings ... / by Sir John Fenwick.
  • Contents: Reflections on a paper entituled K. James the II (James II, King of Great and Britain and Ireland, 1633-1701) reasons ... / by Gilbert Burnet.
  • Contents: Inquiry into the present state of affairs whether we owe allegiance ... / by Gilbert Burnet.
  • Contents: The doctrine of passive obedience no way concerned in the controversy between the Williamites and the Jacobites / by Edmund Bohun.
  • Contents: History of the desertion of King James the Second / by Edmund Bohun.
  • Contents: Speech to Sir William Ashurst, Lord Mayor elect of London at the time of his being sworn ... Oct. 30, 1693 / by Sir Robert Atkyns.
  • Contents: A paper delivered by him at execution to the Sheriff, with an answer / by John Ashton.
  • Contents: Charter, in Latin, French and English / by King John.
  • Contents: Solomon and Abiathar, or, the case of the deprived bishops and clergy discuss'd / by Samuel Hill.
  • Contents: An advertisement concerning the Magna Charta of K. John; as also concerning the Magna Charta as now printed in this appendix, p.535.
  • Entry in cat. under Statutes.
  • Contents: Discourse concerning the unreasonableness of a new separation / E. Stillingfleet p.598.
  • Contents: Vindication of their Majesties authority to fill the sees of the depriv'd bishops / by Edward Stillingfleet, p.635.
  • Contents: A vindication of a discourse [by E. Stillingfleet] concerning the unreasonableness of a new separation ... / by John Williams, p.615.
  • Contents: List of the compilers of the Book of Common Prayer appointed by King Edward VI.