An Astronomical Treatise (Tract. Astron. Hiber.)

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Bibliographic Details
Published: End of fourteenth century - beginning fifteenth century
Online Access:Irish Script on Screen
Irish Script on Screen IIIF
Collection:Archives and Manuscripts
Content Notes and Catalogue Entries:
  • Manuscript treatise on astronomy translated into Irish from the Latin version of the original Arabic version. The author of the original Arabic work was Ma Sha Allah, Al-Mïsri (Messahalah or Macha Allah), a Jewish astronomer from Alexandria, who flourished just before 800 A.D. The Latin version (De Scientia Motus Orbis) was translated by Gerardus Sabionetanus in the thirteenth century. Printed in Nurmberg in 1504..
  • The Irish translation has chapter headings in Latin and appears to be incomplete..