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Bibliographic Details
Alternative Title:Manuscript psalterium containing psalms, canticles, litanies and other prayers.
Other Associated Names: Loftus, Dudley, 1619-1695 (Former owner)
Published: [14th century]
Collection:Archives and Manuscripts
Content Notes and Catalogue Entries:
  • f.i(r): Note in contemporary English cursive hand. ff.1-86: Psalter, with antiphons agreeing with the published Sarum breviary. ff.87-92r: As follows: Isa 12; 38:9-22 (with antiphon); 1 Kings 2:1-10 (with antiphon); Exod 15:1-19 (w. a.); Hab 3:2-9 (w.a.); Deut 32:1-43 (w.a.) ff.92v-95r: As follows: 'Te Deum Laudamus'; 'Benedictis Dominus Deus Israel'; 'Magnificat'; 'Nunc Dimittis', 'Quicumque Vult' (w.a.) ff.95v-100r: Litanies for the week as in Sarum Breviary. ff.98r-99v: List of saints' and feast days. Especially includes female virgin and martyr saints venerated in England. Also includes saints venerated in East Anglia such St Wandregesilius, St Radegund, St Botolph, and St Sexburga. ff.100r-105: In Vig. Mortuorum (Sarum). f.192v: Note in red ink by rubricator. ff.106-116: Devotion to the Virgin Mary. ff.116-124: Eight collections of quotations from the psalms. f.125r: In English cursive hand, 'Veni sponsa Christi' prayer to Sts Barbara and Dorothea. f.125v: Same hand as above: 'This prayer our lady taught saynt bride'; 'Who so is proposet to leave his synnes and them better to amend hym Crist techeth hym this prayer'. f.126r: First words of an unfinished prayer in Gothic bookhand, poss. 'Omnipotens sempiterne deus'. f.126r: Second hand in English cursive, prayer: 'Domine Ihesu Christe fili dei vivi pone passionem crucem et mortem'.