The Musical Library, Volumes 3 & 4

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Bibliographic Details
Corporate Author: Hibernian Catch Club (Former owner)
Published: 1844.
Collection:Hibernian Catch Club
Content Notes and Catalogue Entries:
  • Volume III: Desolate is the Dwelling of Morna - John Callcott; Cavatina 'Col sorriso d'innocenzo' - Bellini; And are these the mountains? (Brazilian air) - anonymous; Pieta di noi - Vincenzo Martini; From Rosy Bow'rs - Purcell; Que le jour me dure - JJ Rousseau;Ye Woods and Ye Mountains - Jackson; Oh! Forbear to bid me slight her - Hummel; No Flower That Blows - Linley; Caro Bella - Handel; Sweet Honey-Sucking Bees - Wilbye; The Brook's Lullaby - Reissiger; Here in Sweet Sleep - William Horsley; La Verginella come la rose - Bertoni; Le Doux Mal - Mehul; The Hardy Sailor - Arnold; Idalian Queen - Arnold; Alma del gran Pompeo/Piangero - Handel; Swiftly from the Mountain's Brow - Samuel Webbe; Gentle youth, ah! Tell me why? - Arne; He is gone on the Mountain - Attwood; In Holiday Gown - Thomas Fitzherbert; Or son d'Elena invaghito - Luigi Ricci; Tendre fruit des pleurs d'Aurore - JJ Rousseau; Dolce dell'anima - Paer; 'Tis not wealth, it is birth - Giardini; Oh had I been by fate decreed - Howard; Russian Air - anonymous/Herrick; Enjoy thyself howe'er thou art - CM von Weber; The Fortunate Land - Beethoven; The Nightingale - Thomas Weelkes; Down, down a thousand fathom deep - C. Keller; Angiol di pace all'anima - Bellini; Pui bianca di giglio - Martini; The Sapling Oak - Storace; In the Merry Month of May - Benjamin Cooke; The Letter of Flowers - Franz Schubert; The Neighb'ring Covenant's Bell - Dibdin; Elegia: Sull tomba di Bellini, l'Amico dolente - D'Alary; An Address to a Locket - Arnold; Oh! Tarry, Gentle Traveller - John Callcott; Romance and Duet - Schnyder; A Spring Song - Mendelssohn; Caliban's Song/The Owl is Abroad - John C. Smith; Henry cull'd the flow'ret's bloom - Sacchini; Round - Vincenzo Martini; Canst thou love and live alone? - Ravenscroft; Le secret - Franz Schubert; Come, Dear Maria! - Neukomm; The Country Wedding - Winter; Cavatina/Tu sai qual oggetto - Meyerbeer; Let the Dreadful Engines - Purcell; O Come O Bella - Samuel Webbe; Sgombra i mici dubbi, O Cielo? - Mercadante; The Seasons (Glee) - Arnold; Soft is the Zephyr's Breezy Wing - Geary; Romance/Expectation - Mendelssohn; Peaceful Slumb'ring on the Ocean - Storace; Volume IV: O what various charms unfolding - Haydn; No, t'was neither shape nor feature - Paisiello; Ma Belle Ange - T. Labarre; When the rosy morn appearing - William Shield; Si, lo sento - Louis Spohr; The Dumb Peal - Cooke; Alexis - John Pepusch; Melting airs soft joys inspire - William Hayes; Vita Felice - Beethoven; How hardly I conceal'd my tears - Mozart/Wharton; Unito a un puro affetto - Handel; Mark'd you her eye of heavenly blue? - Spofforth; Cynthia! Thy song and chanting - Giovanni Croce; With lowly suit and plaintive ditty - Storace; Aure amiche - Georg Muller; Dal tuo stellato soglio - Rossini; Encompass'd in an Angel's Frame - Jackson; I, my dear, was born to-day - Travers; In questa tomba obscura - Beethoven; How gentle was my Damon's air!/On every hil, in every grove - Arne; What makes this poor bosom - Louis Spohr; An Argument - Moscheles; Ere around the huge oak - Shield; La Contraddizione - Gabriello Piozzi; Awake Aeolian Lyre - John Danby; Dopo cento affanini - Winter; The Spirit Song - Haydn; Adelaide - Beethoven; Fair! Sweet! Cruel! Why dost thou fly me? - Ford; While the lads in the village - Dibdin; In my pleasant native plains - Linley; Peace to the Souls of the Heroes - John Callcott; Lungi dal caro bene - Sarti; Chi mai d'iniqua Stella - Bononcini; Hark! My Daridcar! - Purcell; Her image ever rose to view - Baumgarten; Le Chasseur de Chamois - Ferd. Huber; A gen'rous friendship no cold medium knows - Samuel Webbe; There the silver'd waters roam - Storace; From glaring show and giddy noise - Samuel Webbe; I loved thee beautiful and kind - Battishill; O let the merry peal go on - John Danby; Guarda qui, che lo vedrai - Haydn; On board the Valiant - Arnold; Return, blest days - John Smith; Una furtiva lagrima - Donizetti; Schlummerlied - Carl Maria von Weber; What shall I do to show how much I love her? - Purcell;When first I saw thee graceful move - Nicolo Pasquali; Per pieta, non ricercarte - Mozart; Amor gioie mi porge - Handel; While grief and anguish rack my breast - Thomas Linley; Light as Thistle Down - William Shield; Fair Leila - William Linley; Io lo so - Johann Christian Bach; Oiseaux, si tous les ans - Mozart; The Waits - Jeremiah Savile;