Material relating to the Morisy family and others, 1792-1959.

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Collection:Archives and Manuscripts
Content Notes and Catalogue Entries:
  • Includes two photographs of unnamed man, late 19th and early 20th century; [receipt] and blotter book dated 1891; address book used to record the births and baptisms of Morisy children 1868-1911 and some accounts; scrap of paper pasted to address book giving details of children born 1792-1802; card mentioning Henry R. Leadbeater County commander G.S.O.1 1924-28; Postage stamp with Edward VI; blank [receipts] for C.J. Morisy in leather case; census return for the Morisy family 1851; letters, including a letter on 'War Office' headed paper from [1904]; extract from baptismal registers for Margaret Mary Delahunty baptized in 1881, 1939 and Charles Joseph Morrisey baptised 1875, 1959; notes in 20th-century hand; leaflet 'An appeal to the public against treating [solders] by Lord Roberts, 1900; receipts; will of Matthew Butler Kelly, Esq. 1909; calling cards, including of C. Morisy, Bookseller and Antique dealer, 28a Upr. Ormond Quay, Dublin; income tax for the year 1900; undated postcard showing postage stamp of George V; marriage licence for William Buckingham and Isabel [Eadie], 1895; certificate of enrollment for Mrs Margaret Morisy in the Pious Union of Christian Mothers; life assurance for Charles J. Morisy, 1912; membership card to the British Fascists for Charles J. Morisy, 1931; share certificate; certificate of registry for voting for Charles Stuart Murphy, 1847; and newspaper clipping regarding the sale of Kipling's 'Schoolboy Lyrics'.