Commonplace book in Latin and English including a doctoral defense; copies of letters by Anthony Dopping, Bishop of Meath, 1673-1700; and copies of his speeches to King James and King William and their answers.
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Content Notes and Catalogue Entries:
- Page 1: 'Concio habita in [saoells] Collegij SS ... juxta Dublin vicesimo die ffebruarij anno 1672 pro gradu Doctoralus in S: Theologia.'
- Page 16: 'Aprill 5<sup>th.</sup> 1674 Madam I have hure from you a prayer which I thinke will be well enough fitted to your present necessitys and within a while I shall send you my Advise, how you may remedy them.' Signed A: Dopping.
- Page 18: 'Aprill 12: 74 In order to the buring of the present troubles of your mind; the Course which I shall advise you take & briefly this ...'
- Page 25: 'May: 5: 74 S<sup>r</sup> I thank you for your letter which you sent mee this morning ... But the truth is, many persons are apt to passe wrong judgments upon the stations of others whome it is much easier to support, then proove guilty of [sin], & I should beeglad to herre from any of those persons that charge mee with the crime ... ' Signed A: Dopping.
- Page 29: 'May: 11<sup>th</sup>: 74 Although I have already made some Introduction into [th] busynesse of [ofset] forme, & did designe to have finishd that first, before I made any returne, unto your Paper sent mee the 8<sup>th</sup> of the last month ...' Signed A: Dopping.
- Page 33: 'May: 17: 74' and 'May: 18 74' 'Being now at leisure to consider of your Querys & having some vacancy from those employments w[hi]ch formerly diverted my Intentions of satisfying you. I returne my Answer [to] your Querys: as followeth ...' Signed A: Dopping.
- Page 45: 'June: 26: 1674 S<sup>r</sup>: As to the propositions which you sent mee; & with all said that they were left in the key hole of your doore, by whome you know not I returne my Answer to them in these following particulars ...' Signed Anth: Dopping June: 26: 1674.
- Page 60: 'ffebr: 24: 1673 S<sup>r</sup> In your discourse with mee upon friday last, you placed the Infallibility of your church in a Councell confirmed by the Pope, which you did then looke upon as to bee so Certaine & secure a Guide that you could never bee mistaken whilst you followed the [Conduct] of it ...' Signed Anth: Dopping.
- Page 64: 'Decemb: 18: 1673 S<sup>r</sup> ... I am obliged to you for your esteeme and good opinion of mee, which I am sensible is more than I deserve, so I shall think it none of the least of my happynesse, if I may in any wise bee Instrumental to the Continuing you in the bosome of that Church whose Interests you have so generously espoused ...' Signed Anth. Dopping Decemb: 18: 1673.
- Page 71: 'Decemb: 22: 1673' 'Decemb: 26: 1673' [partially crossed out] 'S<sup>r</sup> I acknowledge my self in your debt, & because I am desirous to get out of it as soone as I can, I have sent you this as a testimony of my desires to discharge my selfe of that obliga[t]ion ...' Signed A: D:
- Page 107: 'An Answer to some exceptions sent mee in; by ... formist minister in the Diocesse of Kildare January: 30: 1678 S<sup>r</sup> Having now some vacancy to peruse the exceptions you send mee, and being unwilling that any juste [?] against the ordinances and Constitu[tions] of our church should remaine upon your spirit, which, it might be in my power to remove ...
- Page 122: 'S<sup>r</sup> The last time that 'S<sup>r</sup> J. L. was w[i]th mee hee gave mee sufficient assurances of beliefe, [tha]t he had no designe of altering his religion and in discourse w[i]th mee, did only Insist why the fasts of our Church were not observed ...' Signed 'A:M Mar: 5: 1686 for S<sup>r</sup> Henry Piers:'
- Page 127: 'S<sup>r</sup> I cannot w[i]thout greife ... a report that I have heard of your Inclina[t]ions to defer the co[m]munion of our Church & Imbrace that of the Church of Rome, & should thinke my selfe not sufficiently to discharge my duty, if I did not both informe you of the report, and Caution you of the danger of apostasy from us ...' Signed A:M 'Jan: 7: 1686 To S<sup>r</sup> Jam: Lergh: memorand that about a weeke after hee made mee a visit; & did assure mee that hee had no thought, not intention of changing his religion:'.
- Page 132: 'Deare Cozen Since I left you, I have bene considering seriously of your case and because every one in your Circumstances, is really to be pitied, & I cannot always bee with you to answer every [single], as it comes into your head, I have therefore thought it the most advisable course to digest my thoughts into writing ...' Signed Anth M[?]d: Oct: 31: 1687 for M<sup>rs</sup> T:owers.'
- Page 139: 'Divertions for Sam<sup>l</sup> on his admission into the Colledge: Son Remember that I have sent you to the Colledge, not with a designe of [see]ing that society, or that you might boast hereafter of your education there w[hi]ch will rather bee a matter of shame then glory to you, if you doo not Improove your time well when you are there, but with an Intent of having you instructed in the arts and sciences ...
- Page 151: 'S<sup>r</sup> Next to my condoling w[i]th you for the great misfortune that is fallen upon your family by the indis[crete] contract of your daughter w[hi]ch I desiere you to beleive mee, to bee sensibly affected with ...
- Page 161: 'July. 16. 1673. Madam The two cases of conscience which you desired my resolution of I did receive by the hands of M<sup>r</sup> B_ the 25 of last April I have thus long forborne my returne, because (the cases being a matter of weight & for ought I know not spoken to particularly by any Casuist) I did resolve to consider seriously of them ... Signed A.D. '[th]e L[or]d married M<sup>rs</sup> Dill[on] after this.'
- Page 169: 'Gallstown. December. 14. 1700. M<sup>rs</sup> Lyons When I was last at Kinegad you may remember you told me [tha]t your daughter was very desirous of marrying a papist & [tha]t you & your husband had some thoughts of consenting to the match I have considered this matter very seriously and think my self (as I am yo[u]r parish minister) oblidged to give you my thoughts concearning this affair ... since your daughter is at present under my care I hope you will not take it ill of me if I endeavour to disswade you from a match which will in all probability be a means of ruineing both her soul & body ...' Signed A.D. with a note at the end: 'This match was put off;'
- Page 173: 'The B[isho]p of Meath's Speech to King James March 27. 1689'; 'King James's Answer'; 'The B[isho]p of Meath's Speech to King William at his Camp nigh Dublin. July 7. 1690'; 'The King's Answer'; 'These speeches are taken out of a book, entitl'd the life of King William 3 &c. having never found [th]e manuscripts coppy's among [th]e B[isho]ps papers; I transcribed these, in order to compare them with [th]e originals, in case I hereafter find them.'
- Unnumbered recto of last leaf: 'Contents of this booke'.