A collection of state tracts publish'd on occasion of the late revolution in 1688, and during the reign of William III. [with] the history of the Dutch war in 1672, translated from the French copy, printed at Paris in 1682. A vindication of the late revolution. Vol. 3 Vol. 3

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Bibliographic Details
Other Associated Names: Kidd, William, d.1701, Johnston, James, 1655-1737
Published: London : printed, 1707.
Content Notes and Catalogue Entries:
  • Contents: Speech of Mr. Johnston ... to the Elector of Brandenburgh, when he invested him with the Garter from K. William III, June 6, 1690 , p.674.
  • Entry in cat. under James II, King of Great and Britain and Ireland, 1633-1701.
  • Contents: A full account of the proceedings in relation to Capt. Kidd, in two letters / written by a person of quality [i.e. William Kidd], p.230.