Certain briefe treatises written by diverse learned men, concerning the ancient and moderne government of the Church : wherein, both the primitive institution of episcopacie is maintained, and the lawfulnesse of the ordination of the Protestant ministers beyond the seas likewise defended.
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Language: | English |
Published: |
Oxford :
Printed by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the University,
Collection: | Stillingfleet |
Content Notes and Catalogue Entries:
- Contents: A Geographicall and historicall disquisition, touching the Lydian or Proconsular Asia / James Ussher, p.76.
- Contents: The validity of the ordination of the ministers of the reformed churches beyond the seas, maintained against the Romanists / Francis Mason, p.128.
- Content: Judgement touching the originall of Bishops / Martin Bucer John Rainolds, and James Ussher, p.45.
- Contents: A briefe declaration of the severall formes of government ... / John Durie, p.123.
- Contents: A Discovery of the causes of the continuance of these contentions concerning Church-government / Richard Hooker, p.1.
- Contents: A Summary view of the government both of the Old and New Testament / Lancelot Andrewes, p.7.
- Contents: A declaration of the patriarchall government of the ancient Church / by Edward Brerewood, p.96.
- Entry in cat. under Primitive church and theology.