The Preachers Travels : Wherein is set downe a true Iournall to the confines of the East Indies, through the great countreyes of Syria, Mesopotamia, Armenia, Media, Hircania and Parthia. With the Authors returne by the way of Persia, Susiana, Assiria, Chaldæa, and Arabia. Containing a full suruew of the Knigdom of Persia: and in what termes the Persian stands with the Great Turke at this day: Also a true relation of Sir Anthonie Sherleys entertainment there: and the estate that his brother, M. Robert Sherley liued in after his departure ... Penned by I. C. sometimes student in Magdalen Colledge in Oxford.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Cartwright, John, of Magdalen College, Oxford
Published: London : Printed for Thomas Thorppe, and are to bee sold by Walter Burre, 1611.
Collection:Later additions