A rejoinder to the reply to the answer to the Charitable address of His Grace Edward, Lord Arch-bishop of Tuam, to all, who are of the communion of the Church of Rome. By C. Nary.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Nary, Cornelius, 1658-1738
Published: Dublin 1730
Collection:Benjamin Iveagh
Item Description:828
Physical Description:130 p. 20 cm.
Binding Note:Binding: contemporary Irish red morocco, gold-tooled to a panel design. The spine has five bands and six gold-tooled compartments, marbled endleaves and gilt edges.
Bibliography:Title within double rules. Woodcut initial, head and tailpieces. Privately printed. Barba-villa armorial bookplate, signature of Walter Armytage, Halston, Co. Westmeath. A rejoinder to Edward Synge's 'The Archbishop of Tuam's defence', Dublin, 1729, which in turn was on Cornelius Nary's 'A letter to His Grace Edward Lord Arch-bishop of Tuam. In answer .. ', Dublin, 1728, to Synge's 'A charitable address', 1727. J1 AR1421