The argument of sulphur or no sulphur in waters discussed: with a comparison of the waters of Aix-la-Chapelle, Bath and Bristol: wherein ... the contents of the last are ascertained with a somewhat greater degree of precision than in the Essay of a late adept; ... being the subjects of a correspondence between the author of the Methodical synopsis of mineral waters, and W.R. Esq; and some others. ... To which are annexed, two tracts: I. The analysis of milk, ... /By John Rutty, M.D. II. A practical dissertation on the uses of goat's whey.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Rutty, John, 1698-1775
Other Associated Names: Lucas, Charles, 1713-1771, Kennedy, James, Dairyman?
Published: Dublin Alex. M'Culloh
Collection:Benjamin Iveagh