Pastorale beati Gregorij pape.

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Bibliographic Details
Alternative Title:Pastorale, sive Regula pastoralis.
Main Author: Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604
Other Associated Names: Furter, Michael, -1517 (Printer)
Published: Basel : [Michael Furter], 1496.
Item Description:ISTC ig00441000
Conservation completed.
Printer information taken from ISTC.
A1r title page.
A2r Capituloru[m] libri pastoralis cure beati Gregorij pape: p[er] quatuor p[ar]tes distincti: breuis ordinataq[ue] Annotaio.
A3r Beati Gregorij pape: in libru[m] pastoralis cure ad Johannem Rauennatis vrbis Episcopum Prologus feliciter incipit.
A3r Explicit Prologus. Beati Gregorij pape liber Pastoralis cure quatuor partibus distinctus: feliciter incipit.
Two columns.
Printed letter guides.
Initials and headings rubricated throughout. Other initials within the paragraphs have been marked in yellow.
Colophon H4v: Beati Gregorij pape: Liber cure pastoralis insigni laude co[m]me[n]datus: diligenti studio eme[n]datus: ac debita distinctio[n]e partitus : vigilantiq[ue] cura in vrbe Basiliensi arte impressoria perfectus: feliciter explicit. Sub anno domini. Millesimoquadringe[n]tesimononogesimosexto: die vero decimoqui[n]to Mensis Februarij. Laus deo'.
4to: A8 B4 C8 D4 E8 F4 G6. Last two leaves are blank. D3 signed d3.
Inscription on A3: 'Iste liber est celestio[macron over o]rum [lug]duni Signatus P 31'. Trefoils and passages marked in margins. No other annotations.
Physical Description:4to
Bound With:Bound with ISTC ig00407000 and ISTC ig00425000.
Provenance Note:Marsh's Library stamp on A2r and A3r.
Binding Note:[Sheep/goatskin] with double broad fillet lines in blind around perimeter of boards and four cornerpieces under/over corners of fillets. Spine has four compartments and three bands with double fillet lines under and above each band and at head and tail of spine and the same cornerpiece tool in blind in each compartment. Shelf number is pasted onto top compartment.
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