Poemata Hesiodi Ascraei, quae exstant omnia.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Hesiod, 8th cent. B.C
Other Associated Names: Melanchthon, Philippus, 1497-1560, Schmidt, Erasmus
Published: Witebergae : imprimebat Laurentius Seuberlich, impensis Samuelis Selfisch, 1601.
Item Description:No annotations.
Physical Description:8vo
Published References:BL German (XVII cent.) H. 982.
Provenance Note:Marsh's Greek motto and 'Ed [Perage]' on title page.
Manicules, 'Henricus Glen...' and 'Narcissus Marshe eius liber An: Dom: 1653 31' on verso of title page.
'Ed: Per:' and 'Edw: [Perage]' on recto and verso of A1.
Binding Note:Printed waste as front endleaf.
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