Liturgia; sive missae sanctorum patrum / auctore F. Claudio de Sainctes.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Saintes, Claude de, 1525-1591
Other Associated Names: Dionysius, Areopagita, c.475, John Chrysostom, Saint, -407, Bessarion, Cardinal, 1403-1472, Justin, Martyr, Saint 2nd cent. A.D, Casaubon, Meric, 1599-1671 (Former owner)
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Published: Antverpiae : in aedibus Ioannis Stelfij, 1562.
Item Description:Some underlining, and textual annotations on back endleaves and title page.
'Liturgies' written in pencil in modern hand on first leaf, which has a different texture to rest of the leaves.
'Heronimi (?) Barnabei liber' on title page.
Physical Description:8vo
Published References:Adams L. 844.
Provenance Note:Identified as belonging to the library of Meric Casaubon by Professor T.A. Birrell? No MC on title page or pressmark at back (rebacked with modern endpapers).
Binding Note:Manuscript waste on spine, barely visible
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