Pigot and Co.'s City of Dublin and Hibernian provincial Directory.

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Bibliographic Details
Other Associated Names: Pigot, James
Published: London : J. Pigot & Co., 24, Basing-Lane, London, and 16, Fountain-street, Manchester. And sold by them, and the following booksellers, viz. London.- Simpkin and Marshall, Stationer's-court, Ludgate-street; Sherwood, Jones and Co., and Longman, Hurst and Co. Paternoster-row; F.C. & J. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-yard, and Waterloo-place, Pall-Mall; T.B. Jarvis, 60, Newgate-street; Chappell and Son, Royal Exchange; and Hatchard and Son, Piccadilly. Dublin.- Messrs. Allens, 32, and C.P. Archer, 24, Dame-street; G. Carr, 28, Westmoreland-street; M. Keene, 6, and A. Graham, 16, College-greetn; T. Webb, 43, lower Sackville-street, and most of the respectable booksellers in the United Kingdom, 1824.
Collection:Later additions
Item Description:Wanting the maps
Physical Description:8vo
Published References:See Donations book 1939.
Place of Publication :