Prologus in lib[rum] d[omi]ni ludolphi de suchen. de t[er]ra sa[n]cta et itinere iherosolimitano et de statu ei[us] et p[rae]cipue alijs mirabilibus que in mari conspiciuntur videlic[et] medit[er]raneo Incipit feliciter

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Bibliographic Details
Alternative Title:
libellus de itinere ad terram sancta[m]
Iter ad Terram Sanctam
Main Author: Ludolphus de Suchen, active 14th century
Other Associated Names: Leeu, Gerard, approximately 1445-1493 (Printer), Gwynn, Edward, -1645? (Former owner)
Published: [Gouda] : [Gerard Leeu], [Between 1483 and 10 June 1484].
Online Access:List of books owned by Edward Gwynn
Item Description:ISTC il00364000
Imprint information taken from ISTC.
Includes 'Registru[m] in librum ludolphi de itinere ad t[er]ram sanctam'.
No rubrications.
Initials not filled in.
Colophon: 'Domini ludolphi eccl[es]ie p[ar]rochialis in Suchen pastoris libellus de itinere ad terram sancta[m] Finit feliciter'.
No annotations. Scribbles in margin of ff2v and pen trials on verso of final leaf.
Marsh's Library stamp on front pastedown, aa1 and aa3.
Physical Description:4to (in 8s)
Bound With:Two twentieth century notes taken out. First note: 'Identified by [Mme] Lotte Hellingu 29 Sept 1960. Abbott 6[0]4 Campbell 1622 printed by Gheraert Leeu at Gouda 1484. Usually found together with CA 1198, Joh. Mandeville, Itinerarium. CA 1434 Marco Polo, Liber de consuetudinibus et conditionibus orientalium regionum. These three are probably to be considered as one edition. (They belong together in Trinity College : Abbott 361, 440, 526.) Second note: Oxford, Balliol College, Arch A.20.21 Campbell 1198, Johannes Mandeville Itinerarium in same binding 'Edward Gwynn'.
Binding Note:Speckled calf with wide tripple fillets around perimeter of boards with 'Edward Gwynn' gold tooled on front board and 'EG' gold tooled on back. Recessed bands on spine. Red and blue edges.
Place of Publication :