A True and exact relation of the late prodigious earthquake & eruption of Mount Aetna, or, Monte-Gibello / by the Earle of Winchilsea.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Winchilsea, Heneage Finch, Earl of, -1689
Other Associated Names: Stillingfleet, Elizabeth, -1697 (Former owner)
Published: [London] : Printed by T. Newcomb in the Savoy, 1669.
Item Description:List of works bound together written on front flyleaf.
Pen trials and several numbers written on verso back flyleaf.
No annotations.
Physical Description:ill. ; 4to
Published References:Wing W. 2967A.
Provenance Note:'Eliza [Stl...]' written on back of engraved plate.
'John Massey not his booke. 1674' and 'Richardus Weebsy est ultimus posessor hujus Libri. 1675.' (upside down) written on recto of back flyleaf.
'David Winn eius liber [75]', 'David Winne his booke [pret. d6 and a [deare bargain]' and 'Thomas Evans' several times written on verso back flyleaf.
'Eliza' and 'Eliza [Stl...]' written on back pastedown.
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