The Portrait gallery, containing the principal characters in the French Revolution, with biographical sketches and historical anecdotes.

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Bibliographic Details
Published: Dublin : William Frederick Wakeman, 9, D'Olier-Street. And Richard Groombridge, London, 1834.
Collection:Later additions
Content Notes and Catalogue Entries:
  • Contains portraits of Maria Antoinette; Louis XVI; George III; Louis XVIII; Napoleon Bonaparte; The Duke of Wellington; His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, Regent of Great Britain; Alexander, Emperor of Russia; Francis II; Frederick William III, King of Prussia; Blucher; Sir Ralph Abercrombie; Sir Thomas Picton; The Right Hon. Lord Viscount Duncan, Admiral of the Blue; The Right Hon. Earl Howe; John Jervis, Earl St. Vincent; Admiral Lord Nelson; Lord Melville; The Right Hon. William Pitt; The Right Hon. Charles James Fox; Edmund Burke, Esq.; Viscount Castlereagh; C.M. Talleyrand.