Memoires of Abraham Tessereau
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Collection: | Bouhéreau |
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Archival fonds
Linked Items: | 1 records |
Content Notes and Catalogue Entries:
- Two volumes of manuscript and printed material belonging to Abraham Tessereau, containing 43 and 52 items respectively, and bequeathed to Élie Bouhéreau. Item numbers were assigned by a librarian at Marsh's rather than Tessereau himself. The papers comprise personal correspondences and notes, but are largely a chronological ordering of evidence of the persecution of the Huguenots up to the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Included are reports from different parts of France, printed edicts and arrets, manuscript copies of printed edicts and arrets, letters and sections from printed works. Volume two contains approximately 200 depositions related to the Dragonnades in the South-West of France. The title on the cover of both volumes is 'Memoires et pieces pour servir a l'histoire generale de la persecution faitte en France contre ceux de la religion Reformée depuis l'année, 1656, jusqu'a la Revocation de l'Edit de Nantes, faitte par celuy donné a Fontainebleau au Moys d'Octobre, 1685'.
- When Tessereau died in 1689 all his papers passed on to his friend Elie Benoît who used the material for his work 'Histoire de l'Edit de Nantes'; Delft, 1693-5; (See D1.5.11-13).