Opera / St. Augustine.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo 354-439
Other Associated Names: Vives, Juan Luis, 1492-1540 Valentinus, Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536
Published: Parisiis : apud Carolam Guillard viduam Claudij Chevallonii, & Gulielmum Desboys, sub Sole aureo, in via divi Iacobi, 1555.
Item Description:Vol. 1 : '269' on front pastedown and a few pencil and ink markings in the margins as well as underlined passages (most of them in the De Moribus Lib. I and II). No annotations in the text
Vol. 2 : '270' on front pastedown and cross reference in Bouhéreau's hand to his notebook 'B' (now lost) on first flyleaf. No annotations in the text but a few pencil and ink markings ('NB') in the margins as well as underlined passages.
Vol. 3 : '271' on front pastedown and cross reference in Bouhéreau's hand to his notebook 'B' (now lost) on first flyleaf. No annotations and very few markings in pencil.
Vol. 4 : '272' on front pastedown and cross reference in Bouhéreau's hand to his notebook 'B' (now lost) on first flyleaf. A few markings in the margins.
Vol. 5 : '273' on front pastedown. Cross reference in Bouhéreau's hand to his notebook 'B' (now lost) on first flyleaf. 'Bretinus 1590' on title page. 'Ex dono P. Bretini cognati mei charissimi. Hic liber est de libris Joan Bonaudi Ma[r]ii.' on fol. 381v. A few annotations in the margins (partially lost after pages were trimmed), corrections to the text, underlined passages and markings. Fol. 156 dog-eared.
Vol. 6 : '274' on front pastedown and cross reference in Bouhéreau's hand to his notebook 'B' (now lost) on first flyleaf. Marginal annotations in [3] hands (one being Bouhéreau's) and underlined passages.
Physical Description:10 v. in 6 : fol.
Published References:Adams A. 2163.
Binding Note:Gold tooled leather binding with double fillets round perimeter. Red speckled edges. Rebacked by John F. Newman & Sons Heritage trust Fund 1981 (except vol. 4 and 6).
Original spine preserved at the end of vol. 3 Piece of original leather included v.5
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