De consolatione philosophia libri quinqve / Anicus Manlius Severinus Boethius ; Ioh. Bernartius recensuit, & commentario illustrauit.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Boethius, -524
Other Associated Names: Bath, Henry Bourchier, 1587 or 1588-1654 Earl of (Former owner), Bernaerts, Jean,‏ 1568-1601‏
Published: Antuerpiae : Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Ioannem Moretum, 1607.
Item Description:In ink on final flyleaf: inscription scribbled out and below this 'Glory to God' [Greek characters] and 'Bone Jesu este mihi Jesus'.
Manuscript trefoil in margin on page 197. No other annotations.
Physical Description:8vo
Provenance Note:'Henricus Bourgchier non est mortale quod opto Lond. 16th Sept. 1639'
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