Tabula in Grammaticen Hebraeam / authore Nicolao Clenardo ; a Iohanne Quinquarboreo repurgata & primum annotationibus ; accessere Iohannis Isaac et G. Genebrardi scholia.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Clenardus, Nicolaus, d.1542
Other Associated Names: Génébrard, Gilbert, O.S.B., exegete, orientalist and Archbishop of Aachen, 1537-1597, Isaacus, Johannes, Levita, Germanus, Quinquarboreus, Johannes
Published: Parisiis : Apud Martinum Iuuenem, sub insigni D. Christophori è regione gymnasii Cameracensium, 1564.
Item Description:'Incipit ...' (faded) written on top of, and 'K' [bookseller's code] written beside imprint information on, title page.
No annotations.
Pen trials on manuscript waste at back.
Physical Description:8vo
Published References:Adams C. 2167.
Provenance Note:'James Calbally' and 'James' written in margins of pages 204 and 205.
Marsh's Greek motto on title page.
Binding Note:Limp vellum/ parchment. Fragile. Manuscript waste at back with a long list of numbers on right-hand side and 'R6 bef[ere]' written.
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