Schola Salernitana, de valetudine tuenda : opus nova methodo instructum / [cum notis a Joannes Curio & animadversiones novae & copiosae Renati Moreau & Arnaldus Villanova].

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Bibliographic Details
Other Associated Names: Moreau, Renato, Curio, Joannes, Crellius, Fortunatus, Arnaldus, de Villanova, -1311
Published: Lutetiae Parisiorum : apud Lud. Billaine, 1672.
Item Description:'3 lt' and 'B.' on front pastedown. Slip of paper pasted on front pastedown : 'A Paris, chee Jean d'Hovry, au bout du Pont-neuf, sur le quay des RR. PP. Augustins, a l'image S. Jean'.
No annotations in the text.
Physical Description:ill. 8vo
Binding Note:Speckled leather binding with gold tooled ornaments on spine compartments. Title gold tooled on second compartment. Red speckled edges.
Place of Publication :