The Originall cause of temporall evils : The opinions of the most ancient heathens concerning it, examined by the sacred Scriptures, and referred unto them, as to the source and fountaine from whence they sprang / by Meric Casaubon.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Casaubon, Meric, 1599-1671 (c2 former owner)
Other Associated Names: Stillingfleet, Elizabeth, -1697 (c1 former owner)
Published: London : Printed by M. F. and are to be sold by Richard Minne, at the signe of S. Paul in Little Britain, 1645.
Item Description:Copy 1: Contents written on inside cover.
Copy 2: Heavily annotated in margins throughout, and has copious notes on blank pages preceding and following text, mostly in Latin and Greek. No pressmark but was rebacked.
Physical Description:4to
Published References:Wing C. 809.
Bound With:Copy 1: Sammelband.
Provenance Note:Copy 1: 'J. Usshey. 1644' written on inside cover. 'Elizabeth Stillingfleet hers'.
Copy 2: Identified as belonging to the library of Meric Casaubon by Professor T.A. Birrell?
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