C. Plinii Caecilii secundi, novocomens. Epistolarum Lib X eiusdem Panegryicus Traiano dictus. Cum commentariis Ioannis Mariae Catanaei ...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Pliny, the Younger
Other Associated Names: Catanaeus, Joannes Maria
Published: [Paris] : Veneunt Iodoco Badio & Ioanni Roigny [Ex chalcographia Iod. Bad. Ascenii], 1533.
Collection:Later additions
Item Description:Some pages are fragile.
Woodcut title page.
Pencil marking on inside front guard.
Several annotations in Latin with underlining.
Physical Description:fol.
Published References:Adams P. 1543.
Provenance Note:Inserted is a autograph letter typed by Stanley Smith, The Marchmont Bookshop, London, to Miss Pollard, 10 Sept, no year, regarding this volume.
Several modern pencil marks on front endleaves including '£7.10.0' and [bookseller's codes].
[Autograph] on front endleaf and title page (partially torn from title page).
Binding Note:Evidence of manuscript waste front and back.
Place of Publication :