The great bragge and challenge of M. Champion a Iesuite, co[m]monlye called Edmunde Campion, lately arriued in Englande, contayninge nyne articles here seuerallye laide downe, directed by him to the Lordes of the Counsail, co[n]futed & aunswered by Meredith Hanmer, M. of Art, and student in diuinitie.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Hanmer, Meredith, 1543-1604
Published: London Thomas Marsh
Edition:First Edition
Collection:Benjamin Iveagh
Item Description:916
Physical Description:[4], 26 ff 18 cm.
Bibliography:Running title reads: An aunswere to a Iesuites challenge. Lacking folios 2-3. Woodcut border to title and woodcut initials. Partially in Gothic lettering. Slight worming without loss of text. Binding: modern half red morocco, extra blank leaves bound in. DNB AR895.