Letters concerning the trade and manufactures of Ireland, principally so far as the same relate to the making iron in this kingdom, and the manufacture and export of iron wares, in which certain facts and arguments set out by Lord Sheffield, in his Observations on the trade and present state of Ireland, are examined /By Sir Lucius O'Brien, Bart. With a letter from Mr. William Gibbons of Bristol, ... To which is added, the resolutions of England and Ireland relative to a commercial intercourse between the two kingdoms.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: O'Brien, Lucius Henry, Sir, d. 1795
Published: London John Stockdale 1785
Collection:Benjamin Iveagh
Physical Description:71 p., [1], 31 p., [1] 20 cm.
Bibliography:'The resolutions of England and Ireland relative to a commercial intercourse ..' has a separate titlepage, pagination and register. Binding: Quarter calf with marble boards -worn. With 'Commercial System between G. Britain & Ireland' on the spine. Bradshaw 2146 (Dublin 1785), Black 1404 (Dublin 1785), Bradshaw 7503. 1322/2