The new week's preparation for a worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper, as recommended and appointed by the Church of England; ... To which are added a morning & evening prayer ...

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Bibliographic Details
Published: London John Hinton [1744?].
Edition:The Thirty-sixth Edition
Collection:Benjamin Iveagh
Item Description:1385
Physical Description:(4), ix, (1) 156 p. 16 cm.
Binding Note:Binding: Dublin red morocco c. 1760, gold-tooled all-over, using a variety of small toolls within a border roll. Scalloped paper inlay, with the outline formed by double gouges; curved branches formed by reversed gouges. The spine has five gold-tooled bands and six gold-tooled compartments. Comb-marbled endleaves and gilt edges. Compare Craig 12.
Bibliography:Title within rules, engraved frontispiece, woodcut vignette of royal arms. A very fine copy. N2 AR873