Llyfr gweddi gyffredin, a gweinidogaeth y sacramentau a chynneddfau a seremoniau eraill yr eglwys, yn ol arfer, y gyffelltedig Eglwys Loegr ac iwerddon: ynghyd a'r psallwyr, neu Salmau Dafydd,

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Bibliographic Details
Published: Rhydychen Gan Dawson, Bensley, Cooke 1801
Collection:Benjamin Iveagh
Item Description:1426
Physical Description:41 cm
Binding Note:Binding: blue straight grained morocco (English?), gold and blind-tooled to a panel design. Oval red onlay opened to show blue ground, with IHS symbol. Both ovals have flame-tool surrounds. The spine has five double bands and six gold-tooled compartments. Wine endpapers and gilt edges.
Bibliography:Title within double rules. Manuscript corrections throughout. Manuscript note on the purchase of the book in 1824. N4 M92