Incipit prefatio Gregorii pape in omeliis super ezechielem prophetam.

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Bibliographic Details
Alternative Title:Homeliis super Ezechielem prophetum.
Homiliae super Ezechielem.
Main Author: Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604
Other Associated Names: Wolf, Georges, active 1489-1500 (Printer)
Published: [Paris]: [Ulrich Gering, Berthold Rembolt, Georg Wolf, or Georg Wolf alone], [about 1490].
Item Description:ISTC ig00424500
Imprint information taken from ISTC.
a2 Incipit
Colophon x8r: 'Omeliaru[m] beati Gregorii pape super Ezechele[m] liber secu[n]d[us]: finit feliciter.
x8v Tabvla
4to: a-y8.
Pen trials and scribbles on front pastedown and front and back endleaves. Inscription written a number of times on front flyleaf: '[]n seignem que de gens'.
Scribbles and pen trials on blank a1r and blank y8v.
Scribbles and inscriptions on h8v and y8v. Annotation on y8r : 'I S[ri]on verus [bimus] libri dominus'. [Same hand as that in Homiliae super Evangeliis t. p.].
Some underlining and passages marked in the text.
Physical Description:12mo
Published References:See Oldham, 'English Blind-Stamped Bindings : The Sandars Lectures 1949'.
Bound With:Bound after ISTC ig00420000 and ISTC ig00439500.
Provenance Note:Marsh's Library stamp on front pastedown.
Binding Note:Rebacked. Dark goat/sheep leather over wooden boards tooled in blind with wide fillet along edges of boards and in a 'X' shape in centre of board from corner to corner with four circular floral tools in each triangular section, which resembles Oldham's stamp 1037. Some medieval manuscript waste is evident between top board and spine. Spine has three raised bands (double sewing supports) and four compartments. Title is gold tooled (faded) on onlay of second compartment.
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