[De sublimi] libellus / Dionysius Cassius Longinus ; cum notis, emendationibus, & praefatione Tanaquilli Fabri ; [transl. by Gabriel a Porta].

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Longinus, Cassius, approximately 213-273
Other Associated Names: Petra, Gabriel a. (Translator), Le Fèvre, Tanneguy, 1615-1672 (Editor)
Language:Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Published: Salmurii : Apud Ioannem Lenerium, 1663.
Collection:Bouhéreau Stillingfleet
Item Description:Copy 1: No annotations in text.
Physical Description:8vo
Provenance Note:Copy 1: 'Ex dono D. Tan. Fabri V. Cl. Bouhereau' on front pastedown. Cross references to Bouhéreau's lost notebooks 'A' and 'B' on front pastedown and flyleaf. [Bookseller's code] and initials '[JRWC]' on verso of front flyleaf.
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